So I was chatting with a friend recently about blogs and he says, "isn't it kind of presumptuous for people who blog to think that others will want to read it." (he doesn't know I have a blog, lol) So for a second I thought to myself, I guess he sort of has a point. WAIT! HOLD ON! NO WAY!, why would it be presumptuous for us to want to share our experiences, life, love, laughter and tears with others in hopes that they may want to follow! I'm not saying you have to read everything I write and that its always going to be profound or meaningful. After all sometimes writing a blog is much more therapeutic for the writer than anything else. But it does make me think, why would it ever be presumptuous to want someone to care about you or your feelings. I think anymore as a woman we truly tend to hold back our feelings. We hold back letting someone that we are interested in know that we like them too much because then the chase is over, we often don't let on how strong or smart we are because people may be threatened. Well as I get older I learn everyday to be who I am and not apologize and not hold back! If you like someone, tell them... If you know the answer, say so... And if you wanna share your life experiences in a blog, it doesn't matter if someone reads it or not! So to quote a very dear friend of mine Amy.... "let your freak flag fly!" (okay I don't think she really said it originally, but whatever who cares, you get the point!)
My thoughts exactly!!! Noone can see ur thoughts...they aren't tangible...you can't wrap ur arms around them....so, how else are you gonna know how someone feels if they don't tell you! And for those people who don't want to stop and think, then they couldn't probably think about someone else anyways!!!!